Making the Most of Instructional Space

I moved to a new classroom this year. Better classroom shape. Bigger counter. Less windows. Just overall a better fit for my students. With all those classroom perks I knew I could make the most of the  instructional space for my students. Every area in our room serves a purpose. No space is wasted with meaningless clutter. Our large counter serves many purposes in our classroom. One purpose is our grocery packing station. Our school is very fortunate to have its very own food pantry. The pantry is supplied with local donations from food banks and churches in our community. With that being said, each week my classroom assistants get food out of the pantry for students to pack and bag. Students are then able to take their packed groceries home with them. I numbered the counter with visual numbers (1-6). Students have learned that they need to take one of each item and put in their grocery bag. I set up this station to simulate working on an assembly line or even better stocking shelves at a grocery store. The more practical skills we can give our students will make them more successful and marketable for future employment. It is imperative that we teach our students to have to have  appropriate social skills  and increased stamina to be successful employees in the future. How are you teaching making the most of instructional space? How are you providing students with necessary vocational skills to be successful employees?
See the possible. Have a great week teacher friends.

Dulce XOXO


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